Automatic Potting Machine: Efficient Tree Nursery Potting

The HR 1.2 Automatic Potting Machine enhances efficiency in tree nurseries by automating soil transportation and potting for various plant types. It offers rapid pot size switching and customizable options.


The HR 1.2 Automatic Potting Machine by Horti Robotics revolutionizes efficiency in tree nurseries, ensuring precise and automated potting for a variety of plants. This machine enhances productivity by minimizing manual labor and optimizing the potting process.

ముఖ్య లక్షణాలు మరియు ప్రయోజనాలు

The HR 1.2 excels in versatility and user-friendliness. It is designed to handle a wide range of pot sizes and plant types, such as avenue trees, shrubs, and boxwood spheres. The machine allows for rapid switching between different pot sizes, taking less than five minutes, ensuring minimal downtime and enhanced adaptability to various nursery needs.

Automated Potting Process

The HR 1.2 automates the critical steps of soil transportation and plant securing. This automation significantly reduces labor costs and enhances the speed and accuracy of the potting process. Nurseries can start with a basic model and expand it into a fully automated potting line, thanks to the machine’s modular design.

అనుకూలీకరణ ఎంపికలు

To cater to the unique needs of each nursery, the HR 1.2 offers several customizable features. Nurseries can opt for additional functions such as applying bark or water, allowing them to tailor the potting process to their specific horticultural practices.

సాంకేతిక వివరములు

  • Potting Capacity: Adjustable based on pot size
  • Switching Time: Under 5 minutes between pot sizes
  • Compatible Plant Types: Avenue trees, shrubs, boxwood spheres
  • అనుకూలీకరణ: Options for bark and water application
  • రూపకల్పన: Modular, expandable to a fully automated system

About Horti Robotics

Horti Robotics, based in Denmark, is at the forefront of integrating robotics into horticulture. With a focus on innovation, they develop solutions that enhance efficiency and precision in nursery operations. Their expertise in robotics and vision technology ensures their products meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.

For further details, please visit: Horti Robotics’ website.
