Gårdskapital: Sustainable Agriculture Investments

Gårdskapital, in partnership with eAgronom, empowers Swedish farmers to enhance revenue through carbon credits by adopting sustainable farming practices. This initiative supports the transition towards environmentally sound agricultural methods.


In the modern agricultural landscape, the importance of sustainable practices cannot be overstated. Gårdskapital, in partnership with eAgronom, offers a forward-thinking solution for Swedish farmers: a carbon credit program designed to monetize the environmental benefits of sustainable farming. This initiative is not only about enhancing farm profitability but also about improving soil health and reducing environmental footprints.

Empowering Farmers with Innovative Tools

Gårdskapital provides critical financial support and tools necessary for farmers to transition towards more sustainable agricultural methods. By collaborating with eAgronom, a company renowned for its agricultural technology solutions, Gårdskapital facilitates a program where farms can implement practices that increase soil carbon storage, which is subsequently measured and converted into carbon credits. These credits can be sold on the carbon credit market, providing an additional revenue stream for participating farms.

Program Details and Benefits

The program focuses on several sustainable practices deemed most effective for long-term environmental and economic health:

Key Practices for Carbon Storage

  • Reduced Tillage: Decreasing the frequency and intensity of tillage to maintain more organic matter and carbon in the soil.
  • Cover Cropping: Utilizing cover crops to prevent soil erosion, enhance soil structure, and promote biodiversity.
  • Crop Rotation: Implementing diversified crop rotations that include legumes to fix nitrogen and improve soil fertility.

مشخصات فنی

  • Eligibility: Farms with a minimum of 80 hectares suitable for arable farming.
  • Commitment: A minimum five-year participation to ensure sustainable impact and substantial carbon credit generation.
  • Methodologies: Adherence to best practices in reduced tillage, cover cropping, and diversified crop rotations.

Financial and Ecological Impact

The program not only promises financial gains through the sale of carbon credits but also aims to secure long-term ecological benefits:

  • Increased Soil Fertility: Healthier soils capable of producing higher yields.
  • Resilience Against Climate Variability: Improved soil structure helps in water retention and resilience against droughts and floods.
  • Reduction in Input Costs: Better soil health reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Support and Expertise

Participating farmers receive extensive support throughout the program, from initial soil testing to ongoing advice on best practices and data management through eAgronom’s advanced software platforms.

About Gårdskapital and eAgronom

Pioneering Sustainable Agriculture in Sweden

Gårdskapital, based in Sweden, has carved a niche in the agricultural finance sector by providing tailored financial solutions that encourage sustainable farming practices. The partnership with eAgronom, an Estonian-based ag-tech company known for its precision farming tools and software, leverages the strengths of both entities to provide a comprehensive support system for Swedish farmers.

بیشتر بخوانید: Gårdskapital website
