비네아 에너지: 포도 재배 폐기물 재활용

비네아 에너지: 포도 재배 폐기물 재활용

Vinea Énergie is pioneering sustainable waste management solutions in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, transforming viticultural byproducts into valuable renewable resources. By providing an alternative to open-air burning of vine residues, our services not only address...
Promus: 농장에서 식탁까지 유통업체

Promus: 농장에서 식탁까지 유통업체

Promus redefines the connection between local farms and restaurants by providing a streamlined, transparent distribution of farm-fresh products. Through its innovative platform, Promus enables restaurants to source high-quality local ingredients easily, enhancing the...
탄소 지도: 환경 식품 산업 회계

탄소 지도: 환경 식품 산업 회계

Carbon Maps introduces a robust platform designed to enhance sustainability in the food industry by providing comprehensive environmental accounting capabilities. This innovative tool is vital for businesses aiming to understand and improve their ecological footprint...
FLiPPER: 생물학적 작물 보호제

FLiPPER: 생물학적 작물 보호제

FLiPPER® by AlphaBio Control emerges as an environmentally responsible solution to the persistent problem of agricultural pests. Designed from natural components, this biological insecticide offers a comprehensive approach to pest management across various crops,...
옴브레아 농업 기후 솔루션

옴브레아 농업 기후 솔루션

Ombrea stands at the forefront of integrating sustainable agricultural technologies with practical energy solutions. Based in Aix-en-Provence, France, this subsidiary of TotalEnergies specializes in agrivoltaics—a method that harnesses solar energy not only to...