Freisa: Autonom växtskötselrobot

Freisa: Autonom växtskötselrobot

In the dynamic interplay of technology and horticulture, the B-AROL-O team from Italy introduces Freisa, an innovative autonomous robot designed to navigate the complexities of garden care. This four-legged robotic dog enhances the gardening experience by...
Chameleon Sensor för markvatten: Fuktövervakning

Chameleon Sensor för markvatten: Fuktövervakning

The Chameleon Soil Water Sensor, a product by Australia’s CSIRO, stands as an emblem of simple yet impactful technological innovation aimed at supporting sustainable agricultural practices. This tool is not merely a gadget; it is a strategic asset for farmers...
Davegi: Solcellsdriven AgriRobot

Davegi: Solcellsdriven AgriRobot

Davegi, developed by the startup AI.Land, is an exemplary model of how modern technology can be seamlessly integrated into sustainable agricultural practices. This semi-mobile agricultural robot not only streamlines the cultivation of vegetables but also harnesses...
Weenat: Sensorer för precisionsjordbruk

Weenat: Sensorer för precisionsjordbruk

In the evolving landscape of agriculture, technological integration plays a pivotal role in transforming traditional farming methods into efficient, sustainable practices. Weenat stands at the forefront of this transformation, offering precision agriculture solutions...
BeeGuard: Uppkopplad övervakning av bikupor

BeeGuard: Uppkopplad övervakning av bikupor

BeeGuard’s innovative connected hive technology stands at the intersection of modern tech and traditional beekeeping. By integrating advanced monitoring systems into beehives, BeeGuard provides beekeepers with critical insights into hive health and environmental...