The agtecher mingguan 25 Juni

The agtecher mingguan 25 Juni

Mlebu menyang newsletter kita. Buletin 25 Juni 2024 📰 Warta Mingguan Aku Temokake Sing Patut Diringkes Kanggo Sampeyan 🛡️🚁 Ngusap Drone Agri Saka Langit? / Undhang-undhang Drone CCP: Undhang-undhang Drone CCP, bagean saka Pertahanan Nasional 2025...
GreenLight Biosciences: Solusi Pertanian Berbasis RNA

GreenLight Biosciences: Solusi Pertanian Berbasis RNA

GreenLight Biosciences is at the forefront of utilizing RNA technology to revolutionize agricultural practices. Their focus on developing sustainable solutions for pest control and crop protection positions them as a key player in modern agriculture. GreenLight’s...
VTol Agrobee 200: Drone Pertanian Kapasitas Dhuwur

VTol Agrobee 200: Drone Pertanian Kapasitas Dhuwur

The VTol Agrobee 200 is a state-of-the-art agricultural drone, engineered for superior performance and efficiency in farming operations. With a flight time of up to 1 hour and 20 minutes, it surpasses most competitors, ensuring more extended coverage and fewer...
BeeGuard: Ngawasi Hive Disambungake

BeeGuard: Ngawasi Hive Disambungake

Teknologi sarang sing disambungake inovatif BeeGuard ngadeg ing persimpangan teknologi modern lan beekeeping tradisional. Kanthi nggabungake sistem pemantauan canggih menyang sarang tawon, BeeGuard nyedhiyakake peternak lebah kanthi wawasan kritis babagan kesehatan sarang lan lingkungan...
Lactopi Start: Biostimulan Berbasis Urine

Lactopi Start: Biostimulan Berbasis Urine

Toopi Organics is redefining sustainable agriculture with its innovative product, Lactopi Start, which is not just an eco-friendly option but a testament to the power of human ingenuity in resource recycling. This product represents a significant step forward in the...