Polly Arugga’s Robotic Platform for pollination and desease detection


Say hello to Polly, Arugga AI Farming’s revolutionary robot pollinator. With a sophisticated airpressure mechanism and AIbased computer vision, Polly is able to accurately recognize flowers ready for pollination and carry out the process with precision. Polly has been tested in commercial greenhouses in Israel, Australia, and the United States, showing results that are even better than manual pollination and bumblebees, with yields up to 20% higher and 5% higher, respectively.

Additionally, Polly is able to work in hot and cold climates, where bees are inefficient, and can help to prevent the spread of diseases. Arugga has also developed additional modules to be used alongside Polly, such as non-contact pruning, pest and disease detection, yield prediction, monitoring, and plant lowering. Noncontact pruning helps to reduce labor costs, while pest and disease detection enables early information on outbreaks and allows for immediate local treatment.

Yield prediction, monitoring, and plant lowering also serve to reduce costs, losses, and the amount of pesticides used, and provide growers with intelligence insights through the vast amount of data collected in the greenhouse. All of these modules help growers to experience improved yields, costeffective commercial relationships, and better decisionmaking throughout the seasons. With Polly and Arugga‘s other solutions, growers can now enjoy a more efficient, successful, and sustainable farming experience. By using Polly and Arugga‘s robotic technology, growers can experience an increase in yields, cost savings, and greater control over the farming process, leading to more profitable and sustainable results.
