Kynda: Mycoprotein from Agricultural By-Products

Kynda transforms agricultural by-products into mycoprotein for the food and pet-food industries using a 2-day fermentation process. The result is a high-protein product that contains all nine essential amino acids.


Kynda leverages innovative biotechnology to transform agricultural by-products into mycoprotein, providing a sustainable and efficient protein source for the food and pet-food industries. This detailed description covers the features, benefits, and technical aspects of Kynda’s mycoprotein production process.

Sustainable Mycoprotein Production

Kynda employs a proprietary fermentation process to convert agricultural by-products into high-protein mycoprotein within just 48 hours. This method uses mycelium, the root structure of fungi, to produce a nutrient-rich product that is both efficient and environmentally friendly.

Nutritional Value

Kynda’s mycoprotein boasts a protein content of 37% in dry matter, making it a complete protein source with all nine essential amino acids. This high nutritional value makes it an excellent alternative to traditional protein sources, suitable for both human and pet consumption.

Environmental Impact

By utilizing agricultural by-products, Kynda reduces waste and promotes a circular economy. The fermentation process requires minimal water and energy, significantly lowering the environmental footprint compared to conventional protein production methods.

Efficient Production

Kynda’s fermentation process involves blending agricultural by-products with fungi in bioreactors. In just 48 hours, this blend is transformed into a mycelium rich in protein and fiber. This rapid production cycle allows for scalable and consistent output.

Technical Specifications

  • Protein Content: 37% in dry matter
  • Fermentation Time: 48 hours
  • Bioreactor Capacity: 10,000L
  • Production Output: Equivalent to 380 chickens in 2 days
  • Water and Energy Use: Minimal

Product Features and Versatility

Kynda’s mycoprotein offers several advantages:

  • Meat-like Texture and Flavor: Provides a rich umami flavor and a texture similar to meat, making it a versatile ingredient in various food products.
  • Clean Label: Free from artificial additives, ensuring a natural and wholesome product.
  • High in Fiber and Amino Acids: Supports overall health and wellness, suitable for diverse dietary needs.

Versatile Applications

Kynda’s mycoprotein can be used to replicate a variety of meat products, making it a flexible ingredient for food manufacturers. Its clean label and high nutritional value also make it an attractive option for the pet-food industry.

About Kynda

Kynda is a biotech startup based in Hamburg, Germany. The company specializes in sustainable protein production through innovative fermentation technology. Founded by a team with extensive experience in the food industry, Kynda is committed to revolutionizing protein production and promoting a more sustainable food system.

Please visit: Kynda’s website.
