Cropify: AI Grain Sampling Solution

Cropify leverages artificial intelligence for precise grain sampling, focusing on improving the analysis of pulses like lentils, faba beans, and chickpeas. It offers a new approach to crop classification and marketing for the agriculture sector.


Expanding on the initial description with more detail and adhering to the guidelines for a long description, let’s delve deeper into what makes Cropify a notable advancement in agricultural technology, specifically in the realm of grain sampling through artificial intelligence.

Empowering Precision in Agriculture with Cropify

In the ever-evolving landscape of agricultural technology, Cropify stands out as a pioneering solution designed to transform the way grain sampling is conducted. Launched in 2019 by the visionary team of Andrew Hannon and Anna Falkiner, Cropify aims to harness the power of artificial intelligence to bring unparalleled accuracy and efficiency to the analysis of pulses, including lentils, faba beans, and chickpeas. This Adelaide-based innovation is not just a tool but a partner for farmers, brokers, and bulk handlers, providing them with the data needed to make informed decisions about crop quality, classification, and marketability.

Advancing Grain Sampling with AI

The core of Cropify’s technology lies in its sophisticated AI algorithms, capable of conducting detailed analyses of grain samples. This system is a result of collaborative efforts with industry leaders such as Australian Grain Export and the global inspection entity AmSpec. Through high-resolution imaging and smart classification systems, Cropify delivers objective measurements that set a new standard in the industry. Such precision not only optimizes the grading process but also opens up new avenues for market differentiation based on quality metrics.

Bridging Technology and Agriculture

Cropify’s journey from a concept to a commercially viable product is a testament to the potential AI holds in revolutionizing traditional agricultural practices. The support from the SA Government’s AgTech Growth fund highlights the belief in Cropify’s ability to contribute significantly to the agricultural sector. By focusing initially on small red lentils, Cropify has laid the groundwork for extending its technology to a broader range of pulses, aiming to encompass every aspect of the supply chain from production to export.

Subscription Model and Market Expansion

Understanding the dynamic needs of the agricultural sector, Cropify offers a flexible subscription model. This approach ensures that all users have access to the latest updates and features without the worry of obsolescence. Furthermore, Cropify is not limited to local markets. With ambitions to expand into New South Wales and Victoria, the technology is set to benefit a wider audience, providing tailored solutions that meet the diverse needs of Australian agriculture.

About Cropify

A Vision for the Future

Founded in Adelaide, South Australia, Cropify represents the culmination of innovation, dedication, and a deep understanding of the agricultural landscape. The founders, Andrew Hannon and Anna Falkiner, embarked on this journey with a clear vision: to integrate artificial intelligence into grain sampling to enhance the quality and efficiency of agricultural practices. Their work, supported by the SA Government’s AgTech Growth fund, underscores a commitment to elevating the standards of crop classification and marketing.

Pioneering AI in Agriculture

Cropify’s dedication to innovation is evident in its partnership with Australian Grain Export and AmSpec, aiming to refine and adapt AI technologies for the Australian market. This collaboration underscores Cropify’s role as a trailblazer in agricultural technology, poised to make a significant impact on the industry.

For more detailed information about Cropify and its contributions to agricultural technology, please visit the: Cropify website.
