Agrointelli Robotti 150D: Autonomous Field Robot


The Agrointelli Robotti 150D is a cutting-edge autonomous field robot designed for a variety of intensive agricultural tasks, delivering unparalleled efficiency and performance.

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The Agrointelli Robotti 150D stands out as a dynamic solution for modern agriculture. Engineered in Denmark, this autonomous implement carrier is tailored for precise and accurate farming operations. Ideal for both arable and horticultural settings, it supports a broad spectrum of tasks such as seeding, weeding, spraying, and more.

Innovative Design for Modern Farming

Equipped with dual diesel engines totaling 144 hp, the Robotti 150D is as powerful as a mid-sized tractor but operates entirely without a driver. The inclusion of a Power Take-Off (PTO) ensures universal compatibility with various implements, fostering easy customization for any farming need​​​​​​​​​​​​.

Technical Specifications:

  • Manufacturer: Agrointelli (Denmark)
  • Drivetrain: Dual diesel engines, 144 hp
  • Energy Stock/Range: 100-litre diesel tanks, 18-hour operation capacity
  • Task Suitability: Seeding, weeding, spraying, ridging
  • Weight: Approximately 3,100 kg
  • Speed: Up to 8 km/h
  • Autonomous operation with remote monitoring and control
  • Ground pressure lower than conventional tractors, ensuring soil health

The Manufacturer: Agrointelli

Agrointelli is dedicated to automating farming with their innovative agricultural solutions. The Robotti 150D is a testament to their 20 years of research and development in autonomous farming technology​​.

Manufacturer’s Page: Agrointelli’s Robotti 150D

Pricing: €180,000 (approx. $200,000)

Robotti operates with a light footprint to promote healthy soil conditions. It’s known for its robust and serviceable design, offering farmers a reliable and efficient field worker that operates day and night, even on weekends and night shifts​​​​.
