CropScan 4000VT: On-Combine Grain Analyser

The CropScan 4000VT is an advanced on-combine NIR grain analyser designed for real-time assessment of crop quality, focusing on parameters such as protein, moisture, and oil content. It offers precision agriculture tools for improved harvest decisions and yield optimization.


The CropScan 4000VT On Combine NIR Grain Analyser represents a significant advancement in precision agriculture, offering farmers a robust tool for real-time grain quality analysis directly from the combine harvester. This sophisticated device employs Near Infrared (NIR) technology to measure key parameters such as protein, moisture, and oil content, providing invaluable data for making immediate and informed decisions about crop handling, storage, and marketing.

Enhancing Agricultural Productivity with CropScan 4000VT

In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, efficiency and precision are paramount. The CropScan 4000VT addresses these needs by enabling farmers to assess crop quality on the fly, leading to optimized harvest outcomes and better resource management. This technology plays a crucial role in variable rate fertilization strategies, helping to apply the right amount of fertilizers based on the quality of the crop harvested from different parts of a field. Such targeted interventions contribute to sustainable farming practices by minimizing waste and enhancing crop yields.

Real-Time Crop Quality Analysis

The core value of the CropScan 4000VT lies in its ability to provide immediate feedback on grain quality. This instant analysis facilitates strategic decisions regarding crop segregation, which can significantly impact the economic return on each harvest. By understanding the quality parameters of the grain as it is harvested, farmers can direct high-quality batches to markets that pay premium prices for superior products, while identifying other uses for lower quality yields.

Precision Agriculture and Yield Optimization

The introduction of the CropScan 4000VT into the harvesting process marks a leap towards precision agriculture. By mapping the quality of crops across different sections of a field, this analyser allows for a detailed understanding of soil fertility and plant health. Such insights are invaluable for planning future planting and fertilization strategies, aiming to close yield gaps and enhance overall farm productivity.

Technical Specifications and Features

  • Measurement Parameters: Focuses on critical grain quality metrics including protein, moisture, and oil content.
  • NIR Technology: Utilizes Near Infrared Reflectance for accurate, non-destructive analysis.
  • Ease of Use: Designed with a user-friendly interface for seamless operation and interpretation of data.
  • Compatibility: Easily integrates with existing farm management software for comprehensive yield mapping and analysis.

About CropScanAg

Leading Innovation in Precision Agriculture

CropScanAg, the manufacturer behind the CropScan 4000VT, is a pioneer in developing agricultural technology solutions that address the complex challenges of modern farming. With a history rooted in innovation and a commitment to sustainability, CropScanAg has established itself as a key player in the precision agriculture sector.

A Global Vision from Local Foundations

Originating from Australia, CropScanAg has a deep understanding of the diverse conditions and challenges faced by farmers worldwide. This insight drives the development of products that are not only technologically advanced but also practical and accessible for farmers in various agricultural contexts.

Commitment to Quality and Sustainability

At the heart of CropScanAg’s operations is a commitment to enhancing agricultural practices through technology. By providing tools that support sustainable farming, CropScanAg contributes to the global effort of ensuring food security and environmental stewardship for future generations.

For more detailed information about CropScanAg and their innovative solutions in precision agriculture, please visit: CropScanAg’s website.

In conclusion, the CropScan 4000VT On Combine NIR Grain Analyser stands as a testament to the advancements in agricultural technology, offering a practical solution for real-time crop quality assessment. Its integration into farming practices not only optimizes harvests but also paves the way for more sustainable and efficient agricultural systems. With the backing of CropScanAg’s expertise and dedication, the CropScan 4000VT is set to become an indispensable tool in the arsenal of modern farmers, driving forward the future of farming.
