EVERY: Animal-Free Protein Innovator

EVERY is pioneering the future of protein with its animal-free solutions, promoting sustainability and ethical food practices. Through advanced fermentation technology, it offers practical alternatives for a variety of food applications, contributing to a more sustainable agriculture landscape.


In the realm of biotechnology and sustainable food solutions, The EVERY Company emerges as a beacon of innovation and progress. With its pioneering approach to developing animal-free proteins, EVERY aims to redefine the boundaries of the food industry, prioritizing both environmental stewardship and ethical considerations.

Bridging the Gap between Nature and Nutrition

At the heart of EVERY’s mission lies the ambition to create a more sustainable and compassionate food system. By harnessing the power of microbial fermentation, the company has succeeded in producing proteins that not only mirror their animal-based counterparts in functionality and taste but do so without the ethical and environmental costs associated with traditional animal farming. This technology allows for the production of ingredients like the groundbreaking EVERY ClearEgg and Every EggWhite, offering versatile applications from baking to pharmaceuticals, without compromising on quality or performance.

A New Horizon for Food Science

The implications of EVERY’s innovations extend far beyond the kitchen. In the world of nutrition and food science, the ability to create identical animal-free proteins opens up new avenues for dietary inclusion and sustainability. EVERY’s products perform exceptionally in various culinary applications, enabling the creation of vegan-friendly alternatives to beloved dishes without sacrificing texture or taste. This technological advancement not only caters to the growing vegan and vegetarian populations but also to those seeking to reduce their carbon footprint through more conscious dietary choices.

Technical Specifications and Impact

EVERY’s precision fermentation process is a testament to the potential of biotechnology in revolutionizing food production. By converting simple sugars into high-value proteins, EVERY not only addresses the ethical concerns of animal welfare but also tackles the environmental challenges of greenhouse gas emissions and land use associated with conventional animal agriculture. The technical prowess demonstrated by EVERY’s product range is a compelling argument for the role of innovation in achieving a more sustainable and ethical food system.

About The EVERY Company

Based in South San Francisco, California, The EVERY Company was founded in 2015 by Arturo Elizondo and David Anchel with a clear vision: to decouple protein production from animal agriculture. From its inception, EVERY has been driven by the desire to create a positive impact on the food system, leveraging biotechnology to develop sustainable protein solutions. The company’s commitment to ethical practices, environmental sustainability, and cutting-edge research has positioned it as a leader in the field of animal-free protein production.

In its journey from a bold idea to a commercial reality, EVERY has garnered support and recognition from across the industry, including partnerships with major brands and accolades for its innovative approach. As the company continues to grow and explore new frontiers in food technology, its dedication to creating a more sustainable and ethical future remains unwavering.

For more insights into The EVERY Company’s groundbreaking work and its contributions to the future of food, please visit The EVERY Company’s website.

Navigating the path towards a more sustainable and ethical food system, EVERY’s journey from concept to commercialization embodies the spirit of innovation and the promise of biotechnology in transforming our relationship with food. As we look to the future, the role of companies like EVERY in shaping a more compassionate and environmentally conscious food landscape becomes increasingly pivotal, offering hope and direction for generations to come.

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