H2arvester: Mobile Agrivoltaics System

The H2arvester is a pioneering mobile agrivoltaics system designed to optimize agricultural land by simultaneously harvesting crops and generating solar energy. This innovative solution supports sustainable and efficient farming operations, enhancing productivity and energy self-sufficiency.


The H2arvester system is at the forefront of integrating agricultural practices with renewable energy generation, embodying a significant leap towards sustainability and efficiency in farming. By harnessing the power of mobile agrivoltaics, it stands as a testament to innovative thinking in the agricultural sector, providing a dual-purpose solution that addresses the pressing need for resource optimization and environmental stewardship.

The Essence of Mobile Agrivoltaics

Agrivoltaics, the co-development of land for both solar photovoltaic power as well as agriculture, presents a revolutionary approach to land use. The H2arvester elevates this concept through its mobility, offering dynamic solutions to the challenges of fixed solar installations. This system is designed to maximize the utility of agricultural land, providing a symbiotic environment where both crops and solar panels thrive, leveraging each square meter for dual benefits.

How the H2arvester Works

Central to the H2arvester’s innovation is its mobile platform, which allows for the strategic positioning of solar panels across the agricultural landscape. This mobility ensures that crops receive adequate sunlight by adjusting the location and angle of panels throughout the day and seasons. Such flexibility not only optimizes photosynthesis for plant growth but also enhances solar energy capture, illustrating a harmonious balance between agricultural productivity and energy generation.

Advantages for Modern Agriculture

Sustainable Practice Integration

The integration of solar energy generation into farming practices marks a pivotal step towards sustainable agriculture. The H2arvester aids in reducing carbon footprints by diminishing reliance on non-renewable energy sources, aligning with global sustainability goals and catering to the eco-conscious consumer.

Enhanced Crop Yields

By optimizing sunlight exposure for crops beneath, the H2arvester can potentially lead to improved yields. The adjustable nature of the system allows for tailored light management, ensuring that plants receive the ideal conditions for growth, thus potentially increasing agricultural output.

Energy Generation

Beyond agricultural benefits, the H2arvester contributes significantly to on-site energy production. This energy can be utilized to power farm operations, reducing operational costs and increasing self-sufficiency, or can be fed back into the power grid, creating an additional revenue stream for farmers.

Technical Specifications

  • Solar Panel Efficiency: Utilizes high-efficiency photovoltaic cells for maximum solar capture.
  • Mobility Feature: Equipped with an automated tracking system that ensures optimal positioning of panels.
  • Adaptability: Configurable for various crops and farm layouts, enhancing its utility across different agricultural settings.
  • Energy Output: Variable, depending on the installation size and environmental conditions, designed to meet both small and large-scale farming needs.

About the Manufacturer

The H2arvester is brought to you by a team deeply committed to advancing sustainable agricultural technologies. Based in the Netherlands, the company has carved a niche for itself in the realm of agrivoltaic solutions, driven by a passion for innovation, sustainability, and the future of farming. With a history rooted in pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in agricultural efficiency and renewable energy, they continue to inspire with their dedication to eco-friendly practices.

For further information about the H2arvester, including detailed technical specifications and inquiries about customization options, please visit: the H2arvester’s website.
