Oscar: Autonomous Crop Care Robot

Oscar by Osiris streamlines crop care with its autonomous irrigation and fertilization capabilities, designed for industrial crops. Leveraging electric power and GPS technology, it offers substantial savings in water, time, and energy.


Oscar by Osiris represents an innovative leap forward in the realm of agricultural robotics, offering a sustainable and efficient solution for the irrigation and fertilization of industrial crops. Designed to operate autonomously, Oscar leverages advanced technology to provide care for fields up to 25 hectares in size, operating with complete autonomy for up to three months. This autonomous crop care robot is a testament to the advancements in agricultural technology, aiming to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and productivity for farmers and agribusinesses alike.

Efficiency in Agricultural Practices

Oscar’s design focuses on maximizing resource utilization, reducing the environmental impact of farming, and improving operational efficiencies. Its capability to autonomously navigate large fields and deliver precise irrigation and fertilization treatments ensures that crops receive the exact amount of resources they need, minimizing waste and enhancing crop health.

Technical Innovations

Oscar introduces several technological advancements to the agricultural industry. Its electric power source, coupled with the ability to recharge using water energy, positions it as a forward-thinking solution to sustainability challenges in farming. Furthermore, the integration of GPS technology for navigation and location tracking ensures high precision in its operations.

Key Features and Specifications

  • Power Source: Electric with water energy recharging capability
  • Operational Autonomy: Up to 3 months without human intervention
  • Coverage: Capable of managing up to 25 hectares of land
  • Navigation System: Advanced GPS technology for precise location tracking
  • Resource Efficiency:
    • 10% reduction in water usage
    • 80% time savings in crop care management
    • 20% energy savings compared to traditional methods

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

The sustainable impact of Oscar on agriculture cannot be overstated. By optimizing water and energy usage, Oscar not only contributes to the conservation of vital resources but also supports the overall health of the ecosystem. Its precise application of water and fertilizers reduces the risk of runoff, thereby protecting nearby water bodies from contamination.

About Osiris Agriculture

Pioneering Agricultural Technology

Osiris Agriculture, the creator of Oscar, is renowned for its commitment to advancing agricultural technology. Based in France, the company has a rich history of innovation, focusing on developing solutions that meet the evolving needs of modern agriculture.

Commitment to Sustainability

With a strong emphasis on sustainability and efficiency, Osiris Agriculture is dedicated to improving the environmental footprint of farming practices. Their approach combines cutting-edge technology with practical applications, aiming to enhance productivity while conserving natural resources.

For more information on Osiris Agriculture’s innovative solutions and how Oscar can transform your farming operations, please visit: Osiris Agriculture’s website.

Oscar by Osiris stands at the intersection of technology and sustainability, offering a glimpse into the future of agriculture. Through its autonomous operation, precise resource management, and innovative design, Oscar is setting new standards for efficiency and environmental stewardship in the agricultural sector. As the industry continues to evolve, solutions like Oscar will play a pivotal role in shaping sustainable and productive agricultural practices for the future.
