SB Quantum: Quantum Magnetometer Navigation

SB Quantum introduces a revolutionary quantum magnetometer navigation system, enhancing accuracy in challenging environments. Ideal for diverse applications from mining to defense.


SB Quantum, a trailblazer in quantum sensing, is revolutionizing navigation technology with its novel quantum magnetometer. Based in the quantum technology hub of Sherbrooke, Canada, the company is pioneering the use of nitrogen-vacancy diamonds to map the Earth’s magnetic field with unprecedented precision. This technology is particularly transformative in environments where traditional GPS systems fail, such as underground, underwater, or in densely built urban areas.

The Quantum Science Unveiled

The cornerstone of SB Quantum’s technology is the nitrogen vacancy diamond. These specially engineered diamonds disrupt the carbon lattice with nitrogen atoms, endowing them with unique magnetic properties.

When these diamonds are excited with a green laser, they emit red light in response to the surrounding magnetic field. This light emission directly correlates to the magnetic field’s strength, enabling a detailed and accurate mapping. This quantum effect is harnessed to produce high-accuracy, vectorial measurements of both the amplitude and orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field.

Wide-Ranging Applications

SB Quantum’s quantum magnetometer has diverse applications, offering significant advancements in several fields:

  • Mining: Enhances mineral exploration efficiency by providing detailed magnetic data, crucial for assessing the potential of mining sites.
  • Autonomous Vehicle Navigation: In GPS-denied environments, such as underground tunnels or underwater, this technology provides reliable navigational data, ensuring safety and operational efficiency.
  • Defense: In military operations, accurate location and classification of objects using magnetic signals are vital. SB Quantum’s technology offers new capabilities in this domain.
  • Security: Traditional metal detectors are intrusive and limited in their information scope. SB Quantum’s non-intrusive, detailed metal detection technology represents a significant improvement in security measures.
  • Space Exploration: Contributing to the global magnetic data collection, SB Quantum’s technology is aiding in the redefinition of the World Magnetic Model, a critical component for various navigation systems on Earth.

Technological Advancements and Industry Recognition

SB Quantum has garnered significant recognition for its groundbreaking work. The company was selected for the final phase of the MagQuest Challenge, a prestigious competition led by the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. This selection underscores the potential of SB Quantum’s technology in redefining the World Magnetic Model. The quantum magnetometer is expected to deliver more frequent and accurate measurements of the Earth’s magnetic field in space, with a lifespan significantly exceeding current technologies.

Technical Specifications

  • Sensor Type: Advanced diamond-based quantum magnetometer.
  • Measurement Capabilities: Provides vector measurements of magnetic field’s amplitude and orientation with quantum precision.
  • Unique Features: Utilizes quantum properties to reduce reading distortions caused by environmental factors like temperature.
  • Applicable Sectors: Mining, autonomous vehicle navigation, defense, security, and space exploration.

About SB Quantum

Founded and based in Sherbrooke, Canada, SB Quantum has quickly become a leader in the field of quantum sensing. The team is led by CEO and co-founder David Roy-Guay, an innovator committed to bringing advanced sensor technology from the laboratory to real-world applications.

The diverse team includes experts in quantum physics, engineering, and software development, all dedicated to enhancing magnetic intelligence through quantum effects.

Manufacturer’s Website: SBQuantum
